LAKISAMA Accountants mission remains to deliver competitively priced, value added services that respond to the particular needs of our clients. We strongly believe that the client is paramount.
Our strategy remains in-depth concentration in our clients' affairs, mainly through industry knowledgeable representatives, as well as teams who specialise in respective industries within our clients portfolio.
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LAKISAMA Accountants was incorporated in December 2002, registration number co. 2002/4930.The full company name is LAKISAMA ACCOUNTANTS & BUSINESS ADVISORS' (PTY) LTD. It was operational by March 2003.
Our Objectives
LAKISAMA objectives are to provide and ensure: -
The highest quality of professional standards that meet local competitive environment.
A significant image of a professional leadership.
Availability of a broad spectrum of services to our clients at all times.
The firm's agenda is to develop strong teams of professionals drawn from local experts through vigorous training as a basis of developing capacity to provide the required services. For each assignment the required mix of professionals is evaluated and availed, and an appropriate work plan developed and agreed upon with the client before commencement of any fieldwork.
Aims of the Firm
The major aims of the firm are to assist Private Entrepreneurs and Enterprises in Botswana by:-
Assisting them in either starting a new, expanding, restructuring, modernizing or diversifying their existing business;
Assisting entrepreneurs develop business plans and bankable financial reports;
Helping them identify investment opportunities;
Offering business advisory services to private foreign investors who want to do business in Botswana.
Assisting businessmen in Management Audits,systems design and development.
Helping with business registration and documentation to be lodged, with the office of the Registrar of Companies among others