The personal Balance Sheet
Quite often when you borrow money from the bank you are asked to provide a personal balance sheet together with your business set of financial statements.
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Environment Day
Lakisama held an environmental day where by the team cleaned up the environs at Block 3 Industrial..
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Book keeping and accounts
Preparation of the annual and end of period financial statements for consumption by Tax authorities, financiers etc
Financial management consulting
Special Reconciliations of accounts and special audits.
Tax & Management Consultancy:
Tax computation services, and filing of the requisite tax returns with BURS.
Tax planning services.
Registration with BURS.
Preparation and filing of the VAT returns and PAYE returns.
Company Secretarial Services:
Incorporation of Companies
Filing of the requisite returns to The Registrar of Companies (ROC).
Assisting in Opening of the bank accounts, etc
And all the secretarial duties as enumerated by the Botswana companies act.
Internal Auditing:
Evaluation of the internal control systems in use by various businesses.
Reporting to the management on ways of improving the systems put in place to enhance performance.
Computerized Accounting:
Offers training in such areas as Pastel Accounting, Quick Books, ACCPAC etc.